Seth Coston
Director of Condominium Operations
Time Equities
Seth Coston is Director of Condominium Operations at Time Equities, Inc., a real estate investment and development company with a portfolio of over 26 million square feet of property throughout North America and Europe. In this role Seth oversees the operations team for Time Equities Inc.’s condo developments and is an Asset Manager for the company’s condo conversions. He has just finished opening 50 West Street, a 64-story, luxury condo in the financial district.
During his career Seth has overseen the operations for numerous condominiums, cooperatives, and rental properties.The units in these properties have ranged from condo’s priced well into the 8-figures to sub-$200 a month rent regulated apartments. He also sits on 10 condo and coop boards.
Seth is an executive board member of Placeful, a non-profit community real estate development company with a mission of fostering community space, and a member of the board of directors of the Greenburger Center for Social and Criminal Justice, an organization working to reform the criminal justice system for the mentally ill.